UG COURSE - B.A. Hons. (Political Science) 

Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Hons.) Political Science is an undergraduate degree course in Political Science. This ‘Master Science’ equips the students with a systematic and scientific understanding of theories and practices of politics, political systems, international relations, policy making and government procedures. Regular workshops, seminars, symposiums and conferences augur the actualization of theoretical base. The professional scope extends to avenues such as civil services, higher education, research, political leadership, journalism, law and government at national and international level. 

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Certificate Course on Paralegal Studies


To give an edge to the students of Political Science, a Certificate Course on Paralegal Studies is run by the Department of Political Science, in collaboration with Alphonsa college Pala, Kerala.

Overall, political science is important to paralegal studies as it provides a broader context for understanding the legal system, its processes, and its relationship to broader political and social issues. Not only that it becomes easier for students to comprehend the ethics of Paralegal Studies, but also it makes them future-ready. 

Certificate course in paralegal studies is open to students of all streams, understanding the political and legal system gives the students, to better understanding the laws and regulations involved in a particular case. Taking up a certificate course in Paralegal Studies will help the students to understand the relationship between the government, the judiciary, and the legislative branch of the government. Certificate course in paralegal Studies can help students navigate the complex, political, and legal system to achieve the best possible outcome. 


Basic Fundamental Principles of Political Science

After board examinations many students from non-arts or non-Political Science background opt for Political Science Honors. These students are entirely unacquainted of the basic fundamental principles of Political Science, thus to give them an idea of what political science is essentially all about, Department of Political Science offers Bridge course for them.


MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) / SWAYAM (Study Web of Active Learning by Young and Aspiring Minds) is a program initiated by the Government of India. It is one of the flagship programs of MHRD to provide an online learning environment and upgrade the students with advanced learning capabilities. The objective of this cell is to create an environment for the best teaching-learning practices by creating a synergy between the modern online education system and the traditional chalk-and-talk method. The cell stands to provide all the necessary information and procedural requirements to encourage and support online learning structures and capacitate the learners to avail the benefits of the eLearning mechanism through MOOC/ SWAYAM courses. 

SWAYAM Courses offered in Session 2022-2023 

Effective Writing 

Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality 

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) 

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